The following view methods can be used to find extensions about particular asset, or by a particular web3 address.
// Returns the number of existing metadata extensions about the provided ULfunctionbalanceOfUL(stringcalldata_uloc) externalviewreturns (uint32);
Based on the number of extensions, the following two methods allow to query about the first one, the second one, and so on:
// Returns the address of the account that made the extension// of the asset at the provided Universal Location at the provided indexfunctionclaimerOfULByIndex(stringcalldata_uloc,uint32_index) externalviewreturns (address);// Returns the tokenURI of the extension of the asset// at the provided Universal Location at the provided indexfunctionextensionOfULByIndex(stringcalldata_uloc,uint32_index) externalviewreturns (stringmemory);
Finally, the following methods allow to query the extension made by a particular address about a particular asset:
// Returns the tokenURI for an extension about an asset at// the provided Universal Location made by a given address// Reverts if there is no such extension.functionextensionOfULByClaimer(stringcalldata_universalLocation,address_claimer) externalviewreturns (stringmemory);// Returns true only if there exists an extension about an asset at// the provided Universal Location made by a given addressfunctionhasExtensionByClaimer(stringcalldata_universalLocation,address_claimer) externalviewreturns (bool);