API - Read Queries
API Endpoint
The API can be explored using the following endpoint, which operates on the LAOS Sigma testnet:
Testnet API endpoint: https://testnet.api.laosnetwork.io/graphql
LAOS testnet tokens can be obtained, e.g., using the LAOS Foundation faucet.
Useful Queries
All Assets in a Collection
This query retrieves all assets within a specific collection, providing details such as description, image, name, token ID, and owner.
contractAddress must be provided in lowercase format in all queries. In the next release, both lowercase and checksum addresses will be accepted
User's Inventory
This query fetches all assets owned by a specific user within a particular collection, allowing for easy inventory management.
Asset History
This query retrieves the complete history of an asset, including all its past states, evolutions, and transfers.
LAOS Sibling Collection Pair
This query helps identify the LAOS sibling collection associated with a specific collection address, useful for developers who want to interact directly with LAOS contracts.
Supported Chains
Currently, the API supports the chains listed below. Reach out via the LAOS channels to help prioritize support for other chains.
LAOS Testnet (Sigma)
Ethereum Mainnet - Id: 1
Polygon Mainnet - Id: 137
Support for the corresponding versions using LAOS Mainnet is coming soon.
Last updated